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[104美國直購] The Sims 3: Ambitions $985
[104美國直購] The Sims 3: Ambitions $985
Choose between new fun and wacky jobs as a firefighter, private investigator, doctor, ghost hunter and more
Experience all-new control over your Sims actions and choices while they are working
Make important career decisions that affect your Sims' future and determine whether they will be good or evil, successful or a flop
Your decisions will affect other Sims and your town as a whole, experience the power of your actions; Earn Simoleans in all-new creative ways by inventing, sculpting, tattooing and more
Compatible with Windows Vista / 7 / XP, Mac OS X Intel, Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
Product Details
Platform: PC/Mac
Product Dimensions: 5.4 x 0.6 x 7.5 inches ; 7 ounces
Media: Video Game
Release Date: June 1, 2010
Product Description
Platform: PC/Mac
Product Description
Widen your Sim’s horizons with a bunch of killer new career opportunities. With The Sims 3 Ambitions, decide whether your Sim will be the brave town hero or cause loads of mischief among their neighbors. Make your Sim save the day as a brave firefighter, change the town as a leading architect, or live on the edge as a tattoo artist. Will your Sim find success as a billionaire high-tech inventor or eke out a living as a bumbling mad scientist? Will they uncover secrets as a private investigator by dusting for prints or roughing up a suspect for information? Their future is entirely in your hands!
Your hand is steady as you fill in the deep red heart and start defining the clear letters. Your work is outstanding, a real art, but will it be enough for success? You notice the man flinch away as you start in on the arrow and finish up quickly without spoiling the overall effect. You're building a name for yourself while being paid to do what you love. Your tattoo parlor may not have been welcome at first, but it sure is making an impression on this small town. Explore the possibilities and take the path less traveled with new careers in The Sims 3: Ambitions.
The Sims 3: Ambitions
New fun and wacky jobs
New fun and wacky jobs. View larger.
Your decisions will affect other Sims
Your decisions will affect other Sims. View larger.
Experience all new control over your Sim
Experience all new control over your Sim. View larger.
The Sims 3: Ambitions expansion pack offers plenty of new ways to make Simoleons while exploring your passion. Become a firefighter, private investigator, doctor, ghost hunter and more as you explore all of the opportunities for your Sim. Delve into every detail of your Sim's lives as you control their actions and interactions with exciting new results. Just remember, every action has a consequence and your decisions will determine whether your Sims turns out to be successful entrepreneurs or huge failures. Watch as your career choices change the town and other Sims. Direct your Sim to save the day as a brave firefighter, change the town as a billionaire high-tech inventor or barely make a living as a mad scientist. Whatever you choose, just remember — their future is entirely in your hands.
Choose between new fun and wacky jobs as a firefighter, private investigator, doctor, ghost hunter and more
Experience all-new control over your Sims actions and choices while they are working
Make important career decisions that affect your Sims' future and determine whether they will be good or evil, successful or a flop
Your decisions will affect other Sims and your town as a whole, experience the power of your actions
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[104美國直購] The Sims 3: Ambitions $985
相關 [104美國直購] The Sims 3: Ambitions $985
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[104美國直購] The Sims 3: Ambitions $985