
平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [106美國直購] BBC Earth Life DVD 4片 (美國DVD 1區) _T01


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[106美國直購] BBC Earth Life DVD 4片 (美國DVD 1區) _T01


[106美國直購] BBC Earth Life DVD 4片 (美國DVD 1區) _T01




Editorial Reviews

Product Description

From the BBC and the Discovery Channel, producers of Planet Earth and The Blue Planet: Seas of Life, comes the newest landmark natural history series, Life. In Planet Earth, we brought you the world as you’ve never seen it before. Now, get closer with Life. Four years in the making, filmed over 3000 days, across every continent and in every habitat, with breathtaking new high definition filming techniques not available for Planet Earth, Life presents 130 incredible stories from the frontiers of the natural world, 54 of which have never been filmed before. Packed with excitement, revelation and entertainment, this remarkable 11-part blockbuster, narrated by Oprah Winfrey, captures unprecedented, astonishingly beautiful sequences and demonstrates the spectacular and extraordinary tactics animals and plants have developed to stay alive.

DVD Features:

Deleted Scenes


Music Only Track

Aided by breathtaking high-definition cinematography, the enthralling BBC series Life (from the makers of Planet Earth) explores the more colorful strategies the world's creatures employ to procreate, evade predators, and obtain nourishment. Cameras travel though the air, under the water, and right into the faces of insects, like the alien visage of the stalk-eyed fly. Except for 'Challenges of Life' and 'Hunters and Hunted,' each episode covers a different category, such as mammals and birds. Among the more memorable images: three cheetahs move with the relentless rhythm of mobsters, a school of flying fish glides through the air with the grace of ballerinas, and a Jesus Christ lizard skips across the water, like, well, you know. The strangest sights range from a pebble toad bouncing away from a spider like a rubber ball and brown-tufted capuchin monkeys pounding palm nuts with stone tools like the apes in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

If the sound effects seem overamped, George Fenton's score is always on the money, adding humor and suspense at crucial moments (martial drums for the mud skippers, woozy brass for the Darwin's beetle). Nonetheless, delicate sensibilities may find some sequences disturbing, as when Komodo dragons feed on a water buffalo or when a leopard seal dines on a penguin. More often, the filmmakers capture the moment of impact before moving on. The set comes complete with 10 featurettes on the four-year production. This edition is narrated by Oprah Winfrey; the BBC edition is narrated by Sir David Attenborough. --Kathleen C. Fennessy

Special features

The 10-episode miniseries on four discs

The Making of Life, narrated by Oprah Winfrey

Making-of segment for each episode, narrated by David Attenborough

Deleted scenes

Option to play without narration

Product details

Language: English

Subtitles: English, French, Spanish

Number of discs: 1



Not Rated

Studio: BBC Home Entertainment

Run Time: 484.00 minutes

[106美國直購] BBC Earth Life DVD 4片 (美國DVD 1區) _T01

相關 [106美國直購] BBC Earth Life DVD 4片 (美國DVD 1區) _T01





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[106美國直購] BBC Earth Life DVD 4片 (美國DVD 1區) _T01


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