平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [106美國直購] iBeacon i8 信標 Water-Resistant Silicone LE 4.0 Programmable Beacon
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[106美國直購] iBeacon i8 信標 Water-Resistant Silicone LE 4.0 Programmable Beacon
[106美國直購] iBeacon i8 信標 Water-Resistant Silicone LE 4.0 Programmable Beacon

Programmable beacon that easy to sync with your existing mobile app. Our beacons are CE-, FC-, and Mfi-certified.
The i8 beacon is water-resistant and is ideal for outdoor use thanks to its silicone cover.
Compatible with all Social Retail? apps, Social Retail Digital Convergence Platform, and any beacon management platform compatible with iBeacon technology.
Includes (1) beacon, (1) CR2477 coin battery. Transmission range up to 295 feet. Average battery life up to 18 months. Measures 1.72 in x 1.72 in x 0.84 in.
Product description
Beacons are devices that can send out notifications to consumers directly to mobile phones, tablets, and computers via bluetooth.
Our Beacons are programmable and can be used in conjunction with our Social Retail beacon management platform or programmable with own application.
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Works with iBeacon protocol
UUID, Major, Minor, Transmission range, Broadcast intervals are all adjustable.
Our beacons are CE-, FC-, and Mfi-certified.
Beacon will run for 18 months on a single C42477 coin battery.
Transmission range is 295 feet.
Measures 1.72 in x 1.72 in x 0.84 in.
Comes in a water-proof silicone case, ideal for outdoor use.
Fully programmable and easy to set up to create your own apps.
What's in the Package
(1) Beacon
(1) CR2477 battery.
Each beacon comes with full instructions on how to connect them to our Social Retail management platform and instructions on how to configure the beacons for programmability.
Product information
Product Dimensions 5 x 3 x 3 inches
Manufacturer Social Retail

[106美國直購] iBeacon i8 信標 Water-Resistant Silicone LE 4.0 Programmable Beacon

相關 [106美國直購] iBeacon i8 信標 Water-Resistant Silicone LE 4.0 Programmable Beacon
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[106美國直購] iBeacon i8 信標 Water-Resistant Silicone LE 4.0 Programmable Beacon