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就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Hooked on Spanish Box Set, Ages 4-6
[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Hooked on Spanish Box Set, Ages 4-6
[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Hooked on Spanish Box Set, Ages 4-6

Hooked on Spanish is a three level program that teaches 4-to 6-year-olds how to speak Spanish. Using CD-ROMs for independent instruction and practice, the program also includes colorful workbooks filled with games and activities that offer kids an opportunity to introduce Spanish to their friends and family. Hosted by a cast of loveable characters, kids will have a blast learning to speak Spanish!
Hooked on Spanish Ages 4-6 Learn to say;
* greetings
* numbers
* colors
* family members
* opposites
* parts of the body
* and much more!
Hooked on Spanish includes:
* 3 interactive CD-ROMs
* 3 colorful workbooks filled with games and activities
* library of 9 books
* 3 sets of flash cards
* progress posters and stickers
* parent's guide
From the Publisher
Hooked on Phonics, operated by HOP, LLC, a division of Educate, Inc., is a leading creator of educational products for families that are fun and easy to use and get results. The company works with educators, interactive designers, writers, artists and parents to develop step-by-step learning systems that help teach children critical reading, math, and study skills. Since the company was founded in 1987, more than two million families and thousands of schools have turned to Hooked on Phonics' library of award-winning programs.
Our team of parents, leading educators, interactive designers, writers and artists are dedicated to creating the most effective, enjoyable and easy-to-use educational products that deliver success in learning for children.
We know how important it is for our children to master basic math and reading skills, and we're passionate about providing the right educational products to make that happen.
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Our products meet the child as his or her level and take them on to the next step, giving them a unique feeling of achievement that is exciting to see.
Product Dimensions 6.2 x 9.5 x 10.8 inches
Item Weight 4.8 pounds
Shipping Weight 4.8 pounds
Origin China
ASIN 1931020752
Item model number 38201

[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Hooked on Spanish Box Set, Ages 4-6

相關 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Hooked on Spanish Box Set, Ages 4-6
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[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Hooked on Spanish Box Set, Ages 4-6