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[NOVA成功3C]Targus TSB781AP 16吋 Bex 潮派後背包
[NOVA成功3C]Targus TSB781AP 16吋 Bex 潮派後背包
不僅僅是個背包,Targus 16」 BEX後背包具備一個專用的筆記電腦隔間以及充足的文件存放空間。時尚又沉穩的設計成為當代與創新的背包。
具備緩衝材質保護的16」電腦專用隔間可從側邊開啟以及前面獨立的iPad?/平板電腦收納保護層 ,背包裡還設有創新和安全抽繩袋口以及耐用扣環前蓋,賦予現代和時尚的外觀。拉鍊前隔間和雙側口袋可以存放配件,一瓶水等小型物品。背包採用輕薄耐用並具防水處理的尼龍材質,以及防水底部能確保背包內部不會受潮,即使是放置於潮濕地面或雨天中使用。
適用性 – 可適合 16」 筆記電腦
功能 – 寬敞的筆記本電腦和文件存放空間 ; 增加安全性的抽繩袋口和扣環前蓋; iPad? / 平板專用袋; 寬廣的拉鍊前隔間與口袋; 兩個側面水壺口袋, 手機周邊袋; 減壓背墊; 可調式肩帶; 舒適提把
材質 – 獨特耐用的尼龍材料,具有防水處理
關於 Targus
Targus 創立於1983年,全球首創第一個筆記型電腦包。成立至今,一直致力於筆記型電腦包的研究與開發,並且成功的為筆記型電腦包建立起嚴格的標竿。隨著市場環 境以及消費者需求的轉變,Targus通過策略轉型,謀求更大成長空間。經過二十五年的不斷發展,Targus已經擁有45家分公司,遍佈全球各地,直接 配送體系遍佈 145 個以上的國家/地區。Targus現已成為全球最大的筆記型電腦包及週邊配件的供應商。
1983年:於英國成立Targus Inc.製作全球第一款電腦包
1995年:更名為Targus Group International, Inc.
[NOVA成功3C]Targus TSB781AP 16吋 Bex 潮派後背包
相關 [NOVA成功3C]Targus TSB781AP 16吋 Bex 潮派後背包
Alan is 27 years old and Paul is 12 years old. What fraction of Alan's age is Paul's age? (P.S.:I want to know why?) 更新: 問多條:In a ferry pier,ferries set off for islands A,B and C dvery 25,45 and 75 minutes respectively.At 10:00 a.m.,ferries set off from the pier for all the three islands.When will they est off again if the ferry services end at 11:00 p.m. every day?List all the possible cases.(And why?)
Paul is 12 years old. Alan is 27 years old and therefore he is older than Paul. Paul is younger and his age can only be a fraction of Alan's age. Let the fraction be x. 27 x = 12 x = 12 / 27 = 4 / 9 The fraction is 4 / 9. 2009-07-11 12:52:36 補充: Ferries set off for islands A, B and C every 25, 45 and 75 minutes respectively. 25 = 5 x 5 45 = 3 x 3 x 5 75 = 3 x 5 x 5 The L.C.M. is : 3 x 3 x 5 x 5 = 225 In other words, ferries set off for islands A, B and C at the same time again after 225 minutes. i.e. 3 hours and 45 minutes. 2009-07-11 12:54:01 補充: Ferries set off for islands A, B and C every 25, 45 and 75 minutes respectively. 25 = 5 x 5 45 = 3 x 3 x 5 75 = 3 x 5 x 5 The L.C.M. is : 3 x 3 x 5 x 5 = 225 In other words, ferries set off for islands A, B and C at the same time again after 225 minutes. i.e. 3 hours and 45 minutes. 2009-07-11 12:54:15 補充: At 10:00 a.m., ferries set off from the pier for all the three islands. They will set off at the same time again at 13:45. i.e. 1:45 p.m. late on at 17:30 i.e. 5:30 p.m. and 21:15 i.e. 9:15 p.m.
thx!|||||第一條 Let Y be the fraction 27 Y = 12 =>Y = 12 / 27 =>Y= 4 / 9 Therefore, the fraction is 4 / 9 第二條 The LCM of 25, 45, 75 is 225. That means at every 225-minute(i.e. 3 hours 45 minutes) interval of time after 10:00 a.m, the three ferries will set off from peir at the same times. 10:00a.m 1:45 p.m (225 minutes after 10:00 a.m.) 5:30 p.m (225 minutes after 1:45 p.m.) 9:15 p.m (225 minutes after 5:30 p.m.)
[NOVA成功3C]Targus TSB781AP 16吋 Bex 潮派後背包