平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [美國直購] Anker AK-68UPSHDDS-BU USB 3.0 & eSATA to SATA External Hard Drive Docking Station 外置硬碟 外接硬碟
就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [美國直購] Anker AK-68UPSHDDS-BU USB 3.0 & eSATA to SATA External Hard Drive Docking Station 外置硬碟 外接硬碟
[美國直購] Anker AK-68UPSHDDS-BU USB 3.0 & eSATA to SATA External Hard Drive Docking Station 外置硬碟 外接硬碟
[美國直購] Anker AK-68UPSHDDS-BU USB 3.0 & eSATA to SATA External Hard Drive Docking Station 外置硬碟 外接硬碟

Anker? USB 3.0 & eSATA to SATA External Hard Drive Docking Station for 2.5 or 3.5in HDD, SSD [4TB Support]
Total tool-free installation for 2.5' & 3.5' SATA (SATA, SATA II, SATA III) HDD and SSDs.
Offers e-SATA and USB 3.0 interfaces with data transfer rates up to 3Gbps and 5Gbps respectively (cables included). USB 3.0 interface is backward compatible with USB 2.0 /1.1 connections.
LED indicator reveals power and data status. A power button provides easy access to power control.
No installation of drivers required (plug-and-play) for Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 /10 or Mac OS X 10.2 and above. Also supports hot swapping.
Package Includes: Anker USB 3.0 & eSATA HDD Docking Station, USB 3.0 cable (approx. 1m), 1 e-SATA cable (approx. 1m), 12V/2A AC power adapter. 18-month warranty and free lifetime technical support.
Product Description
Simple to use. Lightning speed. Multi-compatible. A premium dock for your 2.5' and 3.5' hard and solid state drives.
Diversity in compatibility.
No need to mess with multiple wires, ports and connections. Now, a drive that accommodates both 2.5' and 3.5' HDD or SSD firmly in place and the e-SATA interface accommodates all SATA standards (SATA, SATA II, SATA III).
Optimized for speed.
Imagine what you could do with more time on your hands. The possibilities are endless. Equipped with both USB 3.0 and e-SATA ports, this docking station transfers your data at up to 5Gbps (3Gbps for the e-SATA port). Transfer large volumes of data in just minutes, instead of hours.
Simply minimalist.
Lose the screws: our docking station snaps your hard drive in place, keeping itfirmly and securely stored. The two-colored LED indicator shows power status and data activity. If you need to disconnect, rather than unplugging the power cable, a power button protects your data when not in use.
For optimal use.
? Your drive cannot be accessed via both eSATA and USB 3.0 ports at the same time. If both are connected, only the eSATA-connected computer will be recognized and interact with the drive.
? Do not attempt to remove your HDD or SSD device while it is active. Please power off the docking station before removing.
? The following Seagate SATA drive models will require a firmware upgrade, downloadable from the Seagate official site, before use:
? Note for Mountain Lion (10.8) users: If you are experiencing formatting problems, please note that this is unrelated to our dock's performance. You may try reformatting your disk to the FAT32 format on using another operating system.
Product Dimensions: 5.3 x 3 x 2.8 inches ; 1.6 pounds
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
ASIN: B005UA3I72
Item model number: AK-68UPSHDDS-BU

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[美國直購] Anker AK-68UPSHDDS-BU USB 3.0 & eSATA to SATA External Hard Drive Docking Station 外置硬碟 外接硬碟

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[美國直購] Anker AK-68UPSHDDS-BU USB 3.0 & eSATA to SATA External Hard Drive Docking Station 外置硬碟 外接硬碟