平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [美國直購 ShopUSA] USB 自動感應適配器 to 3.3V/5V TTL Auto sensing adapter $1057
就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [美國直購 ShopUSA] USB 自動感應適配器 to 3.3V/5V TTL Auto sensing adapter $1057
[美國直購 ShopUSA] USB 自動感應適配器 to 3.3V/5V TTL Auto sensing adapter $1057
[美國直購 ShopUSA] USB 自動感應適配器 to 3.3V/5V TTL Auto sensing adapter $1057
0714s_USB to 3.3V/5V B004LC54ZY

Technical Details
Single board USB to asynchronous serial data transfer interface
Entire USB protocol handled by the electronics in the cable USB
Auto Voltage sensing
UHCI / OHCI / EHCI host controller compatible
Utilizes newest FTDI FT232QR chip
Product Details
Item Weight: 3.4 ounces
Shipping Weight: 3.4 ounces
Product Description
This USB to Serial UART (TTL level) adapter. It allows you to connect your computer through USB port and use it as a regular serial communication. All USB protocol is handled within this adapter. There is no other device or programming required. The adapter is perfect for embedded systems that require a serial connection to a computer. The board attaches directly to the USB bus via a standard type A receptacle connector. It shows up on any Windows computer as a standard serial COM port. Any applications that talk to this COM port is automatically convert to USB and back to UART to your target board.

[美國直購 ShopUSA] USB 自動感應適配器 to 3.3V/5V TTL Auto sensing adapter $1057
相關 [美國直購 ShopUSA] USB 自動感應適配器 to 3.3V/5V TTL Auto sensing adapter $1057
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哈囉 ! 大大 我可以建議你去仁寶當舖哦!! 在中壢往桃園方向中華路二段 YKK對面 我也是去那裡借的 店長很好商量 會給你方便的 保密 利息也很低 !服務態度也很親切 我也是我朋友介紹我去那的 而且她們在網路上的評價也很好哦 你可以去網路上搜尋 仁寶當舖 他們很專業 過件率也很高 評估完你的條件馬上放款 事後你有什麼問題 打過去給他們 他們都會盡量配合你 你可以去了解看看 !祝你好運~~~
[美國直購 ShopUSA] USB 自動感應適配器 to 3.3V/5V TTL Auto sensing adapter $1057