平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [美國直購 ShopUSA] 計算機 Arthurs Computer Adventure Ages 3-7 by The Learning Company $649
就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [美國直購 ShopUSA] 計算機 Arthurs Computer Adventure Ages 3-7 by The Learning Company $649
[美國直購 ShopUSA] 計算機 Arthurs Computer Adventure Ages 3-7 by The Learning Company $649
[美國直購 ShopUSA] 計算機 Arthurs Computer Adventure Ages 3-7 by The Learning Company $649
Arthurs Computer Adventure Ages 3-7 by The Learning Company

Don't miss the interactive Computer Adventure withArthur and friends!Product InformationOnce again Arthur D.W. and friends lead you on a hilarious adventure thatkids won't want to miss.? An interactive adventure 5 learning activitiesadjustable difficulty levels hundreds of clickables and 13 surprises andpuzzles along with printable coloring pages.? A great program to help kidsdevelop critical reading math and logic skills while they play along withArthur.Arthur wants to play 'Deep Dark Sea' on the computer every chancehe gets; when his mother leaves for work and asks him not to touch the computerthe temptation is too much.? Arthur and Buster play along enough to fightover the mouse and make the screen go blank!? Will Arthur be able to fixthe computer before his mom gets home?? Play and find out!?This interactive story draws kids into Arthur's endlessly entertainingworld. It seems Arthur's hooked on 'Deep Dark Sea' his favorite computergame. His mom tells him not to touch the computer while she's out. Of coursethe temptation is just too much. Arthur and his friend Buster turn thecomputer on and dive into the game. They play just long enough to fightover the mouse and make the screen go blank!Product Features5 Learning Activities Adjustable Difficulty Levels 13 Surprises and Puzzles Hundreds of clickables Printable Coloring PagesIncludesReading - Treasure Hunt Get the treasure if you can read all the words Kids develop reading and logic skills in this fast-paced and exciting activity Play against a friend or the computer Match words with objectsMath - D.W.'s Store Shop for D.W.'s toys Cook up wacky recipes in D.W.'s cafe Children learn counting and math while they make purchased and work in the cafe Recipes get harder as kids progressAdventure - Deep Dark Sea Explore world geography and ocean life while searching for hidden treasure Side-scrolling arcade style ac

[美國直購 ShopUSA] 計算機 Arthurs Computer Adventure Ages 3-7 by The Learning Company $649
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相關 [美國直購 ShopUSA] 計算機 Arthurs Computer Adventure Ages 3-7 by The Learning Company $649
因為我需要1小匙的材料 可是我買的是"茶匙" 請問是1茶匙比較多還是1小匙?! 還是都一樣!? 請幫我解答一下~~
1茶匙 = 1小匙。 公制單位 一量杯 = 250毫升 一湯匙 = 一大匙 = 15.毫升 = 三小匙 = 三茶匙 一茶匙 = 一小匙 = 5毫升 美制單位 (英制單位與美制單位有差,要小心。) 一加侖 = 3785 毫升 = 128 啢 = 4夸特 一夸特 = 946 毫升 = 32 啢 = 2品脫 一品脫 = 473 毫升 = 16 啢 = 2量杯 一量杯 = 236 毫升 = 8 啢 = 2 基耳 一基耳 = 118 毫升 = 4 啢 一液啢 = 29.57 毫升 = 1 啢 = 2 大匙 = 2 湯匙 一湯匙 = 一大匙 = 1/2 啢 = 14.79 毫升 = 三小匙 = 三小茶匙 一茶匙 = 一小匙 = 1/6 啢 = 4.929 毫升 美制單位 1 teaspoon (US)= 1/6 ounce = 4.929 milliliters 1 tablespoon (US)=1/2 ounce =14.79 milliliters 1 fluid ounce (US)=1 ounce = 29.57 milliliters 1 gill (US)=4 ounces = 118 milliliters 1 cup (US)=8 ounces = 236.6 milliliters 1 pint (US) =16 ounces = 473.2 milliliters 1 quart (US)=32 ounces =946.3 milliliters 1 gallon (US)=128 ounces =3.785 liters 英制單位 1 teaspoon (UK) = 1.2 teaspoons = 6.16 milliliters 1 dessert spoon (UK) = 2.4 teaspoons = 12.32 milliliters 1 tablespoon (UK)= 1.2 tablespoons = 18.48 milliliters 1 fluid ounce (UK)= 0.96076 ounces = 28.4 milliliters 1 gill (UK) = 1.2 gills = 142 milliliters 1 breakfast cup (UK) = 1.2 cups = 284 milliliters 英制單位與美制單位有差,要小心。 2006-09-02 18:15:37 補充: 一湯匙 = 一大匙 = 1/2 啢 = 14.79 毫升 = 三小匙 = 三茶匙 2006-09-03 09:44:47 補充: 上述公制單位好像有問題。有一個網頁 http://www.convert-me.com/en/convert/cooking它的公制單位【Metric (European) Kitchen Units】是一湯匙 = 一大匙 = 四小匙 = 四茶匙一湯匙 = 一大匙 = 20 毫升 一茶匙 = 一小匙 = 5 毫升 一量杯 = 200 毫升 另外也一些商業廣告中見到過 一杯 = 240 毫升 與 一杯 = 180 毫升 的。 2006-09-03 09:47:52 補充: 究竟國際間是否有公制單位定義的一大匙, 一小匙,一量杯各是多少容量? 目前還沒有看到,說不定根本沒有,上述網頁也只是在歐洲通用而已,如此則一美制量杯容量就是236cc,不是180cc,不是200cc,不是240cc,也不是250cc。看來還是用毫升(cc)單純一點。
太感恩 好詳細 tks|||||1小匙 = 1茶匙 = 5CC = 1t 1大匙 = 3茶匙 = 15CC = 1T 1杯 = 16大茶匙 = 240CC = 1C|||||1 湯匙= 1 T= 水 15c.c. 1茶匙= 1 t = 水 5c.c. 1/2茶匙=1/2 t =水 2.5c.c. 1/4茶匙=1/4 t=水 1.25c.c. 1杯=1C=水236c.c. 所以....茶匙較小;湯匙較多... 你買ㄉ那ㄍ調味量器上應該有寫英文或中文吧~~
[美國直購 ShopUSA] 計算機 Arthurs Computer Adventure Ages 3-7 by The Learning Company $649