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[106美國直購] BBC Earth Planet Earth II 4K 電視 3片 (全區片)
[106美國直購] BBC Earth Planet Earth II 4K 電視 3片 (全區片)
Editorial Reviews
In one of the most ambitious landmark series, Planet Earth II allows us to experience the world from the viewpoint of the animals themselves. Traveling through jungles, deserts, mountains, islands, grasslands and cities, this series explores the unique characteristics of Earth's most iconic habitats and the extraordinary ways animals survive within them. New technology has allowed individual stories to be captured in an unparalleled level of detail. For the first time, viewers are immersed in incredible landscapes and share the most dramatic moments in the lives of animals. From spellbinding wildlife spectacle to intimate encounters, Planet Earth II will take you closer than ever before. This disc will play only in 4K players.
Product details
Actors: n, a
Directors: David Attenborough
Format: 4K
Language: English
Subtitles: English
Region: All Regions
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1
Number of discs: 3
Studio: BBC Home Entertainment
DVD Release Date: March 28, 2017
Run Time: 360 minutes
[106美國直購] BBC Earth Planet Earth II 4K 電視 3片 (全區片)
相關 [106美國直購] BBC Earth Planet Earth II 4K 電視 3片 (全區片)
已知一鋼瓶在27度C、30大氣壓條件下內有480克X氣體, 若將此鋼瓶加熱到100度C後打開活塞,使鋼瓶內部與外界達到平衡, 但溫度仍保持100度C。試問共可溢出若干克重的X氣體? 答:467 有一開管式壓力計,開口端的水銀面較閉口端(內裝He,氣柱長10cm) 水銀面高出24cm,請問欲使空氣柱變長為8cm,需加入水銀若干公分? 答:29 一試管直徑為a公分,長為b公分,垂直壓入水銀中直到管底沒入水銀, 此時水銀面離管口c公分,假設此時外界大氣壓為P cm-Hg, 請問a、b、c、P關係式為何? 答:(b-c)^2=cp
1. 氣體加溫時體積膨脹, 有許多氣體溢出瓶外, 所以瓶中的氣體重量會減少, 由PV=(w/M)RT的式子,比較在27°C與100°C二種情況下, 鋼瓶體積V不變,分子量M、常數R亦不變, 故可知(wT / P)=k(常數)。 由此關係可算出27°C與100°C二種情況下鋼瓶內氣體重量w的變化: (w1 x T1 / P1) = (w2 x T2 / P2) [480 x (273 27)] / 30atm = [w2 x (273 100)] / 1atm 可得w2 = 12.8686,即100°C時瓶內有氣體12.8686公克, 所以溢出的氣體 = 480 – 12.8686 = 467.1314公克 2. 由波以耳定律P1 x V1 = P2 x V2 10x(76 24) = P2 x 8,故P2 = 125 cmHg 水銀柱長 = 125 – 76 = 49cm 49 2 – 24 = 29cm 3. 未壓入水銀前管內氣壓P1 = P,體積V1 = baπ^2 壓入水銀後管內氣壓P2 = P (b – c),體積V2 = (b – c)aπ^2 由波以耳定律P1 x V1 = P2 x V2 故P x baπ^2 = [P (b – c)] x [(b – c)aπ^2] 可得(b-c)^2=cP 2007-10-08 14:31:06 補充: 更正 第2題: 第2行10x(76 + 24) = P2 x 8,故P2 = 125 cmHg 第4行49 + 2 x 2 – 24 = 29cm 第3題: P2 = P + (b – c)
[106美國直購] BBC Earth Planet Earth II 4K 電視 3片 (全區片)